It is crazy but tomorrow is my "official" first day of homeschooling my almost 5 year old daughter. I've been homeschooling her since she was born. She knows how to read and is in the 2nd grade level of hooked on phonics. I've teamed up with a charter school to home school for kindergarten in order to get a little help with money for materials and curriculum. I learned about doing this from a friend. It is pretty cool. Basically once you are accepted to the school an educational specialist comes to visit you about once every 20 school days. They check on your progress and are there to offer support and answer questions. Plus you get $800 to spend on curriculum and resources including activities such as gymnastics, art, dance, swimming and even horseback riding if you choose to spend your stipend this way. Anyway tomorrow is my daughter's first "official" day of kindergarten and I am her teacher. It is funny because I feel some of the same butterflies I felt before the first day of school each year that I taught high school Spanish. So far I have the following planned:
1) ABC Dot to Dot flower
2) Learning About Coins Game
3) Scavenger hunt for snacks. My daughter will read each clue and at the end find her snack. Here are the clues if you are interested:
- Go to the place where you take a bath.
- The next clue is in your room under the place you lay your head.
- Good job! Now go the the room where you eat and find the wall with words.
- Open the door under the t.v. to find your next clue.
- Way to go! Now go find your snack under the place that you eat.
A couple of the resources I'm considering taking advantage of through the charter school are the five in a row curriculum, (Here's a good resource to go along with FIAR) right start math and swim lessons.
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